Wednesday, 4 April 2012

A bit of a book review

After taking an age to finish ‘Started early, took my dog’ by Kate Atkinson (I like the Jackson Brodie series, but it doesn't really grip me) I’ve recently read 3 really good, easy read books. 

Firstly, I borrowed ‘From Notting Hill With Love Actually’ from my friend Lizzie, (I’m not sure if Lizzie knows I have this, if not Lizzie – I have your book! J). I really enjoyed it as a throw away romantic comedy novel and would recommend it as a good holiday read.

It’s a bout a girl called Scarlett who is obsessed with the movies and not quite happy with her own life.  She takes a month out to go and house sit in Notting Hill.  She meets a guy called Sean.  You need to read the rest to see what happened J

Then I read ‘Black Heart Blue’ which is totally different! It isn't actually out on the market yet (although you can pre-order on Amazon), but I was lucky enough to receive a proof copy from a friend-of-a-friend who works in the publishing industry. It’s an incredibly dark story about twins, one described as beautiful and the other disfigured by Treacher Collins syndrome.  They live in a vicarage and are abused by their parents. The book is narrated by both girls, giving both sides of the story.

I found myself feeling incredibly frustrated by their plight and that nobody had noticed how they were suffering.  This is not a holiday read like my first recommendation,  but I highly recommend it all the same.  I was hooked from the first few pages.

I haven’t actually finished ‘Mad Women’ yet, but for anyone who’s a fan of Mad Men, this is a must.  It’s written by Jane Maas, who was a copywriter during the mad men era (late 60s – 70s).  I work in this industry so I’m a bit of a geek when it comes to marketing, but I do recommend it if you like the Mad Men series.

I’ve downloaded the Hunger Games trilogy to my Kindle to read on holiday next week – can’t wait!

Has anyone read any good books recently?


  1. Ha, I so didn't know that you had my book! Glad you enjoyed it though. Don't worry about giving it back though as unless they are amazing I usually only read chick-lit type books once. So feel free to keep, pass on or donate to charity!
    The other 2 books look good. I've downloaded loads for my holiday - so looking forward to reading parts 2 & 3 of The Hunger Games! I really hope you enjoy it! xxx

  2. I'm getting back into books now, how do you find the kindle as i really want one, how much do books cost?

    Also hope you got my email hun :-)

  3. the hunger games are amazing!! my favorite book was the second one! i love peeta!! you wil too!

    i just finished reading the death of a red herione and it was okay..not a bad book but i wouldn't recommend it!
